Tuesday, May 5, 2020

National League for Nurses and American Nurses Association

Question: Compare how these organizations support nursing leadership? Compare the leadership opportunities in these organizations. Describe what cultural issues in nursing leadership these organizations address. Describe what global issues are addressed or supported by the organizations. Answer: National League for Nurses American Nurses Association The national league for nurses was founded in 1983. At that time its name was American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses. It was one of the first nursing organisations to be established in the US. The American Nurses Association was founded in 1896 and was named Nurses Associated Alumnae then. It was later renamed to American Nurses Association in 1911. NLN sponsors an NLN Leadership Institute which helps in supporting leadership by bringing together various professionals who have great experience and also a very honoured faculty so as to provide its students a dynamic curricula ((ANA, 2015). It basically offers a 3 yearly programs that inculcate strong leadership quality in nurses. They strive to achieve excellence in imparting nursing education. The programs are LEAD, Leadership Development Program for Simulation Educators and Executive Leadership in Nursing Education and Practice. ANA sponsors the ANA Leadership Institute which offers the nurses many exciting programs to incucate leadership qualities V(masters in essentials of nursing) It offers various self paced courses in partnership with Capella University on various topics of leadership qualities. The LEAD program provides nurses the opportunity to enhance their career by developing strong and deep leadership qualities in them. The Leadership Development Program for Simulation Educators gives the experienced nurse educator the opportunity to attain a leadership role simulation (ANA, 2015.) The Executive Leadership in Nursing Education and Practice provides the executive leaders a chance to re energise themselves and to grasp the nursing profession better. It also helps them to re innovate their strategy so as to provide great educational boost. The development program called Navigate Nursing offered by ANA gives the nurses an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills with the help of online resources whic pay attention to the leadership competency of the nurse. It also organises a National Nurses Week which is held between May6-12 every year to celebrate their improving leadership qualities every year. The National League for Nursing believes in imparting quality education to all who are a part of (Vian, 2014). They make sure that they have adequate knowledge about the policies of legislators, advocacy skills etc for future scope of nursing leadership. The American Nurses Association clearly states its stand in dealing with cultural issues in leadership. It has a set of code for nurses that they have to follow which clearly states their goals and values as well as ethical responsibilities. The LNL supports the global cause of educating the poor about healthy living conditions so that they are able to lead better lives (Fund). The ANA has taken up the global issue of the welfare and education of the poor (masters in essentials of nursing) Reference List: Fund, M. National League of Nursing. Vian, J. (2014). National League For Nursing.Nursing Research,19(6), 548. American Nurses Association. (2015). ANA leadership institute. The essentials of master's education in nursing. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011.

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